For this section of the site we list out the stories sent into us by you the fans! If you have a story you’d like featured here use this form
- Mothman VS Mystery CreatureListen to this story on our YouTube channel: I hope this finds you both well. Back in the early 1990’s when my best friend Sally graduated from college she decided to take a road trip to get a little R&R. She asked me if I wanted to accompany her. I had a vacation from…
- 2009 Gallipolis Ohio Mothman SightingsListen to us tell the story on YouTube: My story takes place in 2009 when my best friend, and I would stay most of the afternoons out in her backyard. She lived in an old historic building on 1st Ave in Gallipolis Ohio right on the river. The first encounter we had were sitting…
- Mothman Encounter Point Pleasant TNT Area 1980Listen to the story here: Greetings, I wanted to share this with you and all your listeners about a Mothman encounter my husband and I had back in the late 80s. So there we were, just married, and my husband, Don, was just out of basic training for the military. I had closed down…
- Whops Sounds Pisgah Mountain North CarolinaListen to this story on our YouTube: A bit about myself before I get to my story. I have been interested in the paranormal since 9 year old. shoot forward about 25 years I was in an admin position in a paranormal investigation group. (I was the interviewer) The paranormal has always been my…
- The Loggin HaintListen to the story here: Folks heres one a ole feller shared with me a while back. Good buddy named Herman. We was talkin about Haint stories and he told me one that…lordy give me the chills. Said his granddaddy was a logger back in the mountains when they used a 2 man saw…
- Appalachian Hunter’s Close EncounterListen to this story on our YouTube: Greetings Spooky Appalachia and Jared King TV, My name is Ron and I recently found both your channels and enjoy both your them along with your collaborations. I wanted to send this to you in hopes that you can use it. If you enjoy it I have…
- Phantom Hitchhiker EncounterListen to this story on our YouTube channel: Back in the 1970s there was a young woman who got in a car crash and it ended up taking her life and her parents was very sad as any parent would be and they identified her and everything like that they had a funeral and…
- Park Rangers Encounter Sprit at Ranger Station
- Roanoke Virginia Hellhound EncounterAs always you can listen to the story on our YouTube: Sparing boring details, I’ve been an active psychic my entire life. I grew up in a haunted house and learned to deal with the paranormal world from a very early age. Not much fazes me these days. So this was in July 2020….
- The Haunted Cabin of Northern GeorgiaListen to the story here: My name is Anna and I absolutely love your channel. I know you do scary ones so I wanted to send this one to you. It was told to me by my grandfather who lived in NE Georgia. Back in the olden days in the mountains there was a…
- 1977 Grafton Monster EncounterMy name is Thomas and I love the shows. I wanted to submit this story in hopes that it’s good enough for you guys to use. It goes back to 1977 when I was in high school in Taylor County where I grew up in WV. Some friends and I were out doing the usual teenager…
- Joyce Bishop an Appalachian Witch Story
- UFO Encounter on an Alabama Dirt Road
- An Unsettling Visit from a Deceased RelativeAs always you can listen to this story on YouTube: Daddy was a preacher, an angry violent man behind closed doors. As a husband & father: arrogant, condescending, demeaning, humiliating, self-absorbed & pathologically narcissistic. In 2013, I hadn’t spoken to Daddy in a couple of years & woke up in the night with the…
- The Haunting Tale of the Misty LadyListen to the story on YouTube: When I was in my twenties I had come on some hard times through divorce and I had a friend who invited me to stay with her for a few days . I agreed and we went over the rules of the house and she wanted to let…
- Spooky & Hilarious Fan’s Ghostly Encounter in Church BathroomFunny but creepy experience in a church bathroom Hey folks, welcome to Spooky Appalachia, where each week we cover a fan submitted story from you the fans. This week we’ve got a good one from our good friend Allie, that’s both creepy and funny! When I was a kid, I was part of a youth…
- Unexpected Visitor: Boy’s Encounter with MothmanWhen I was 12 years old I stayed up late watching MTV. I had just turned off the TV and decided to sleep on the couch. As I laid down the VCR started ejecting a tape and then taking it back in, then ejecting over and over, I got spooked and looked around. As I…
- The Slate Belt OwlmanThis week I was sent a story a bit out of the norm. The fan who sent this came across this story that was posted on a Facebook group for the Slate Belt area in Pennsylvania. It’s about a creature referred to there as The Slate Belt Owl Man. The sighting took place in March…
- Potential Alien Encounter: Hunters’ Shocking StoryThis story was sent to us by fans Daniel and Judy. My wife and I are big fans of both channels, but our favorites are your collaborations. I wanted to share an encounter my friend and his brother had while hunting back in 1989 in North Carolina. Due to the fact this is not my…
- An Eerie Appalachian Honeymoon ExperienceListen to this story on YouTube: Hey folks, welcome to Spooky Appalachia! This week we have a story sent in by a fan who had an odd encounter on their honeymoon last year in 2023. Right after our wedding, my husband and I headed off to our honeymoon destination, which was a beautiful treehouse…
- Encounter with The Mysterious Mothman (Maryland, 2002)This week we have a story from a fan in Maryland who thinks he may have encountered The Mothman or a similar creature back in 2002. Howdy Spooky Appalachia! I came across your YouTube channel from the Mothman Sightings Facebook group and think I may have encountered it or a similar creature back in 2002….
- Jenny Bad FingerGreetings Spooky Appalachia, ‘ere’s a witch story my elders told us kids about growing up. Thought you and everyone else may enjoy it. It’s about a witch everyone called Jenny Bad Finger! Back in the late 1800s in lower eastern WV, way back in the sticks, was an old woman named Jenny that everybody feared….
- Civil War Ghosts Still MarchThis week, we have a story sent in by a fan who may have encountered some old Civil War spirits in Arkansas back in 2003 or 2004. When my middle girl was a teenager about 20 years ago, her best friend moved to a little town about an hour away from us outside Huntington. The…
- Restaurant of the DeadThis week, we have a story from a fan who had an interesting experience in New Orleans back in July of 2013. Me and my mama was in New Orleans on July 5, 2013. We got on the trolley to sightsee and grab some lunch. We got off the trolley and were walking along the sidewalk,…
- The Gargoyle of Mountain LakeThis week we have a story sent in by one of our long time fans and friends about a very odd encounter a friend of hers told her about in the early 2000s. It was the early 2000s, and a friend I was working with was heading up around Blacksburg, Virginia, one night to visit…
- Mothman Encounter in North Augusta, South CarolinaHello Spooky Appalachia, I watched your show about the NC Mothman sighting earlier today and wanted to share my own. My story was about two years ago (2021) in South Carolina, near Savannah River in Georgia. My daughter and I were sitting in our living room when we heard something BIG land on our metal…
- 1920s Booger AttackThis week, we have another awesome story sent in to us by our friend Steve Alligator Horse. This is one told to him by his aunt about a postal worker who was attacked on his route. It took place in Kentucky back in the 1920s. I remember my aunt Eugena’s story about the mailman who…
- Eerie Experiences at a Blacksburg, Virginia, Retirement HomeThis week, we have a few stories sent in to us by a health care worker from a retirement home in Blacksburg, Virginia. It’s kind of neat we are getting some stories from Blacksburg since we haven’t had any yet. This is the second one this month! Hey, I’ve commented on your videos before about…
- Mail Carrier Saved by a SpiritThis week, we have a story sent in by one of our long time fans and friends Julie, who had a crazy encounter while working as a mail carrier in Blacksburg, Virginia, back in 2002. So, I was delivering mail. This was in approximately 2002 or so? I can’t remember which year exactly but somewhere…
- Lady in the Window (Ringgold, Georgia)Continuing our theme for this month on ghost and haunt stories, we have a story that was sent in by a fan who may have had an eerie encounter while working. Hi, Spooky Appalachia, love the channel and asked Jared to send this. Okay, so back when I was about 25, I worked for a…
- Bubba’s Last VisitFor this week’s story, we have one from an author friend of mine named Dewey Edwards. He’s sent in a few stories, and this will be the first one I share since my plan for this month is going to do mostly ghost stories from fans. In early 1971, I had a close friend who…
- Encounter with Green Eyes in Chickamauga (1973)This is a story about an encounter with Green Eyes from Chickamauga Battlefield straight from my uncle in his own words. It was 1973, and I was working two jobs to help my mother with some bills and pay my own bills, and I was saving up for the new Chevy Nova that came out…
- Booger Encounter in Wayne County, Kentucky (1930)This week’s story was sent in to us by a fan who heard this story that took place back in the 1930’s from his aunt. It happened in Wayne County, Kentucky. Aunt Pat described being on the slope of a mountain digging ginseng. She was sitting down on the forest floor digging roots when something…
- Possible Devil Monkey Sighting Maryland April 2023Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week’s story was sent in to us by a long time fan and author Allie Rose. In this story, she and I believe she may have had a sighting of the Devil Monkey, a…
- Lady in the Window Ingles Castle Radford VirginiaAudio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week we have two stories from fans who saw our Ingles Castle video and set us shorter stories of their sightings they had of spirits on the property. Our first story was sent to us by…
- Winged Creature Encounter Davie County North Carolina November 2022Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! For this week’s fan submitted story, we have a tale from a fan named Rachel. She and her daughter had an encounter with a winged creature one evening back in November of 2022. It took place in…
- Winged Humanoid Creature Encounter Silverstone North Carolina October 1983Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week’s story was sent in to us by a fan who had an interesting encounter with a winged humanoid creature back in October of 1983. It took place in Watauga County, North Carolina. I was…
- Green Eyes Sighting Chickamauga Tennessee 2001Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! For this week, we’ve got a story sent in to us by a fan who may have had an encounter with Green Eyes at The Chickamauga Battlefield in Tennessee. For those of you who haven’t heard of…
- Two UFO Sightings from a fan in West VirginiaAudio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! Today we’ve got a double feature of UFO sightings sent in to us by a fan in West Virginia. Back in July of 2020, I was with my dad and we were hTwo UFO Sightings from a…
- Possible Encounter With A Spirit at The Point Pleasant TNT Area, Summer 2008Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week we have a pretty awesome story from our good friend Theressa of Theresa’s Haunted History of the Tri-State. This is about an encounter that wasn’t Mothman in the Point Pleasant TNT area. On a whim…
- Possible Mothman Sighting Ravenswood November 2006Audio version of this story on our YouTube: This week, we have a story that was sent to us by The Mothman Museum, of you guessed it, a Mothman sighting! Thursday the 2nd Nov. 2006, my son and I were heading to Ravenswood (not too far from Point Pleasant). It was just before 5 PM…
- Possible Mothman Sighting – Point Pleasant West Virginia December 2022Audio version of this story on our YouTube: Me and my cousin Marcos were in the Point Pleasant West Virginia area visiting family. While we were driving down Redmond ridge road at around 9:30ish at night sometime around Christmas, we passed a human-like figure as we slowed down. We looked out our rear view…
- Possible Spirit Encounter Randolph House Pulaski Virginia 1990Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week, we have a story that was sent to us by a fan who saw our video on the Randolph House located in Pulaski Virginia. She sent this story along about an encounter her mother had…
- Possible Woman in White Sighting During the 2020 LockdownAudio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This story is a bit special because, well it happened to me! I’ve been a little reluctant to share some of my odd experiences, but after talking with so many people who have had experiences I…
- Possible Encounter with an MIB at The Mothman Museum early 2000sAudio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week, we have a story that was sent to us by a fan who may have had an encounter with one of the men in black while working at The Mothman Museum in Point…
- Black-Eyed Kid Encounter – Raleigh, NC, 2012Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! Since you guys can’t get enough of the Black-eyed-kid stories we did some digging and found one posted in various places on the internet from Raleigh, North Carolina that took place in 2012. We hope you enjoy…
- Possible Bigfoot Sighting – Southern Arkansas, Summer 1997Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week, we are taking a look at a story sent to us by another one of our patreons. This story is of a possible Bigfoot encounter he had as a kid. I was walking…
- Possible Mothman Sighting – Iredell, NC, Oct 2022Audio version of this story on our YouTube: This week, we have a story that was sent to us by a member of the Appalachian Paranormal Facebook group. It’s of a possible Mothman sighting that he had back in October 2022. It started in July 2022 when we went up to the West Virginia…
- Doppelganger Encounter – St Albans Sanatorium, July 2022Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week’s story was sent to us by a member of our community named Bill. He had this experience during an investigation at the Famous St. Albans Sanatorium in Radford, Virginia. This occurred during July of…
- Possible Mothman Sighting – Floyd County, Virginia, 2019Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! For today’s story we’ve been sent another Mothman sighting. This one from Virginia, in Floyd County. This is the first time we’ve been sent a Mothman sighting from Virginia, and us both being from Virginia we were…
- Doppelganger Encounter – Mount Nebo, West Virginia, Fall 2020Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! Today’s story of a doppelganger encounter comes to us from a member of our community who wishes to be referred to as Jones. She said this occurred at her home in Mount Nebo, West Virginia in the…
- The Story of King’s Bend Tunnel – Wetzel County, West VirginiaAudio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This week, we’re going to cover the story of the King’s Bend Tunnel, in Wetzel County, West Virginia. The King’s Bend Tunnel is located in Wetzel County, West Virginia. Also known as Porters Falls No .1…
- That Time I Saw a UFO – From Appalachian OddityAudio version of this story on our YouTube: This week, we have a story sent to us by our good friend Appalachian Oddity. If you’ve never heard of them, be sure to check out their site and YouTube channel. They have been an awesome resource for our content and an often contributor as well. When…
- Possible Spirit Sightings at the Haunted Trestle – Radford Virginia 9-10-22Audio version of this story on our YouTube: This story was sent in as a response to our haunted bridge story we posted a few weeks ago. I think this is the first time someone has sent us a story to follow up on one we posted. I hope we get more like this in…
- Haunted Hotel – Roanoke Virginia 2022Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This story about a haunted hotel was sent in by a fan named James. He said that he doesn’t want to use his full name because the hotel owners might not like this being shared. The name…
- Family Folklore from West VirginiaAudio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! The following story was sent in by a fan who wishes to remain anonymous. This story is a tale of a good bit of family folklore told by their family through the years. This story is…
- UFO Sighting Roanoke Virginia 1997Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! Today we have a UFO sighting sent to us by a fan named Jerry. This is one of the first UFO sightings we’ve been sent so I’m pretty excited to share this with you all. I witnessed…
- Phantom Group Member at Saint Albans Sanatorium – Halloween 2014Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! Happy Halloween! As a special treat for the spookiest of holidays, we have a story from Julie, a volunteer at St Albans Sanatorium and friend of Spooky Appalachia who was kind enough to do a livestream…
- Possible UFO Sighting – Greenup County Kentucky – Sep 29 2022Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! The following story and associated materials were sent to us from our friend from Kentucky Ghost Searchers. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel. I live in Greenup County, Kentucky, this happened on Thursday September…
- Phantom Whistler – Roanoke Virginia September 2022Audio version of this story on our YouTube: The following story was brought to our attention by our good friend Julie. We were then given permission from a local artist, Stefanie, to use this amazing and creepy story! If you have a minute, I hope you will read this and this very bizarre experience…
- Mothman Sighting – Gallipolis OH Nov 1967Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! Today’s story was sent to me by a friend of mine that lives in Gallipolis, OH named Amy. For those unfamiliar with the area Gallipolis is right across the bridge from Point Pleasant. It is…
- Possible Bigfoot Sighting – Bedford VA 1978Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This story of a possible bigfoot sighting was sent to us by a fan who requested that we refer to her as “SW”. I was born in Roanoke, but when I was maybe 11 or…
- Possible Mothman Sighting Cairo West Virginia July 17th 2022Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! For today’s story we have a possible Mothman encounter story sent in by Natasha. This one is particularly interesting because it’s a very recent Mothman sighting in West Virginia and her friend got a photo! I…
- UFO Chase Troutville Virginia 1974Audio version of this story on our YouTube: For today we have a story sent in by a fan named Clifton from an encounter he had in Virginia back in 1974. I hope you enjoy it! All I can say is WOW! Thank you Clifton for sharing this story with me to use on…
- Haunted Garage in Christiansburg, VAA fan from Christiansburg, Virginia, reached out to me recently and said that he believes his garage is haunted. He told me that when he bought the house in 2020, it had been on the market for a while. After buying it, a neighbor informed him that the lady who previously lived in the home…
- Weird Experience at the Former West Virginia State Penitentiary 2019Today’s story was sent in by a fan who had an interesting experience at the Former West Virginia State Penitentiary Moundsville, West Virginia. The facility officially opened in 1876 and during its 119-year life as a penitentiary the facility held some of the most violent killers, rapists, and other criminals. Many never left the institution…
- Roanoke Virginia Haunted WorkplaceAudio version of this story on our YouTube: This was sent over by one of the members of our discord. If you haven’t yet, be sure to join to get all of the latest updates and come chat with other fans of the site! You can join our discord here. I used to do IT…
- Black-Eyed Kid Encounter at a Taco BellAudio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms! This story was emailed in by a fan named TJ. He said he really enjoyed the story I posted last week and that had one he wanted to share. June 2016, Aberdeen, Ohio. I was working the…