Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms!
This week we have two stories from fans who saw our Ingles Castle video and set us shorter stories of their sightings they had of spirits on the property.
Our first story was sent to us by a fan named Jessie who thinks they’ve been seeing a spirit in the window there while fishing many times.
Hello, I saw your post on We Are Radford with the Ingles Castle video. I first want to say I really enjoy it! It got me thinking though, I’ve floated down the river fishing going past that place for years. Many times now I’ve seen a lady in the window there just staring out at the river. I always thought she lived there till I saw your video and learned no one lives there. I think it could be the lady in the mirror you mentioned! I’ll try and get a picture next time.
Thank you for the story, I’ve kayaked though there fishing quite a few times myself. I usually get a little creeped out each time I go by. Our next person left us a similar story in the comments.
Ingles Castle is definitely haunted! I can say that for sure. My friend lives down there, we used to run around in the field behind it when we were kids.We both swore every time we would be in the field we’d look up in the top window facing the road and see a lady staring out at us. Would also see animals wandering around like cats, dogs and foxes. We would follow them and they’d take a corner and be gone.
Big thank you to both of the fans who sent these in. We hope to get more from INgles Castle to help with the tours we are helping to start up there this October.
Remember if you’ve had a paranormal encounter you’d like to see get featured here you can send it to us using our google form. There’s a link to it in the description as well as our link tree. or you can email us
Thank you patreons!
Adam, Alvin, Charles, Danielle, Donald, Jeff, Jordan, Julia, Linda, Shannon, Taylor, and Werewolf Radar