This week I was sent a story a bit out of the norm. The fan who sent this came across this story that was posted on a Facebook group for the Slate Belt area in Pennsylvania. It’s about a creature referred to there as The Slate Belt Owl Man. The sighting took place in March 2024, so not all that long ago. I was able to get in touch with the guy who posted it. He said it was ok to go ahead and use it. Here’s his story.
Hey everybody, I just wanted to reach out and inform you all on this. I live near Bangor and I was heading home from work last night. I usually go through Martins Creek. I was driving on 611 it was about 9pm while I was passing the Alpha Cement building right next to the quarry. To my surprise I saw what I thought was the shadow of a large owl sitting on top of a stump or fence post on the right side of the road. It scared me at first because the way it was sitting made it look like it was 6ft tall. I started going a little slower to take a photo but as I got closer it suddenly opened its wings and to my surprise it was massive and its eyes were like reddish brown not even with a light reflecting on it. It was very bizarre. It looked like a man put on an owl costume and the head was human shaped. It then took off up near the trees and that stump or fence post was not something it was sitting on it was its legs. So it had to be almost 6ft tall. The legs were a lot like a persons and the way it was standing when I was driving before it had its wings tucked around its bottom legs and its head tucked into the top of its wings. I couldn’t see the color of it, it looked black because it was dark out but I thought it had some light brown on it. It shocked me so much I tried to take photos and videos but it took off above the tree line toward Howell Road behind me. I have no idea if this is an animal that you guys can tell me more about or If I just saw a massive weird owl but I just wanted to inform you all this I know we all have small cats and dogs in the area. I also was just wondering if anyone else in that area saw or heard anything the other night? Thank you, I’ve never seen an animal like that in this area before.
He also posted this follow up:
Hey everyone, If you have been on here lately you probably saw my post or heard of the encounter I had with the creature near the Alpha Cement Building in Martins Creek. I’m okay and I just wanted to say thank you all for the insights from the bird species, Mothman, and witnesses. I read all the comments and I generally to be honest with you all have no idea what I saw, I did see something and it did scare me. It was very unsettling. I have been going slow around that area at night. I really want to photograph it to show you all. The past few nights in the same area I have rolled down my window and went really slow. I keep hearing some high pitched squeaking or some sort of noise from the surrounding area also near Howell Road. I’m sure if one of you go out there and listen you’ll hear it late at night too, whatever it is that I saw it seems to be currently staying around the surrounding area. I haven’t seen it again yet and I’ve been reaching out to podcasts and other people about my experience. If I ever catch a photo of this animal or creature I will send it here first for you all to see and if anyone wants to go look out there or share anything they heard or saw thank you. I really am not trying to sound crazy about the whole thing and I do like to keep my face private. The past few days I have been feeling headaches and such. I was never a believer of Bigfoot and other creatures but this truly has me spooked and confused. Thank you all again for all the comments. I will keep you all updated!!
Pretty crazy huh? This story has BLOWN up on that group from what I can tell. People are talking about starting a 5k, building a statue and some other stuff.
Remember if you’ve had a paranormal encounter and want to send it in, you can send it through our Google form. You can also email us at spookyappalachia@gmail.com