This week, we have a few stories sent in to us by a health care worker from a retirement home in Blacksburg, Virginia. It’s kind of neat we are getting some stories from Blacksburg since we haven’t had any yet. This is the second one this month!
Hey, I’ve commented on your videos before about my time as a volunteer at St. Albans and a house my family rented in Radford. I thought I’d share a recent story I’ve had with a weird experience. It happened last year when I was working at a nursing home in Blacksburg (Heritage Hall). I was a welcome greeter there and worked in the front lobby from 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. on weekdays and 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. on weekends. I asked the COVID questions and took people’s temperature. The doors to get in the front lobby were the automatic sliding doors. They could be triggered by bugs or even wind, but sometimes there were definite moments when the doors would open and there would be no bugs or wind to trigger the doors. One of those moments happened at night time around 8:30 p.m. to midnight when it was slow after the last visitor had left for the night. The doors opened and no one came in or out, but I heard very distinct footsteps right after the doors opened. That nursing home had a lot of activity. The CNAs [certified nursing assistants] and nurses told me about a few incidents that they had.
One CNA said she was in a patients room and heard someone knock from the bathroom door, and then when she was turned helping the patient the bathroom door came open by itself. There was another night where a nurse kept seeing black shadows out of the corner of her eye. Then, one CNA who was doing classes through the nursing home mentioned how the night after a patient died, the call button kept coming on in the room where the patient died at (when patients started to actively pass they’d always move them to the rehab part of the nursing home so the room that patient was in was in that part of the nursing home).
These were some creepy ones for sure! I’m not sure what I would have done if I was working a front entrance and heard the footsteps coming in. That call button story was a doozy too! Big thanks to the fan who sent these in. Let me know what you think of them in the comments.
Remember if you’ve had a paranormal encounter like this and want to send it in, you can send it through our Google form. You can also email us at spookyappalachia@gmail.com
Thank you to our patrons: Adam, Alvin, Brandon, Charles, Chris, Danielle, Donald, Jeff, Jonnie, Jordan, Julia, Linda, Misty, Sheryl, and Taylor.
Special shout out to our content creator patrons: JaredKingTV, Scott and WerewolfRadar.