This week we have a story sent in by one of our long time fans and friends about a very odd encounter a friend of hers told her about in the early 2000s.
It was the early 2000s, and a friend I was working with was heading up around Blacksburg, Virginia, one night to visit someone. When she came back the next day, she came right over to ask about gargoyle-like creatures in the area near the exit to Mountain Lake. Now ,there are legends in Appalachia of gargoyles but none this far south as far as I know.
Anyway, it was late, I think she said 10ish. She was near the Mountain Lake exit heading southwest. Suddenly, on the right shoulder, she saw something large. It filled the area. Bigger than a dog, smaller than a cow. Couldn’t quite figure it out. As she passed it, she saw a winged gargoyle-like creature squatted down on the shoulder. She looked back to see it in the taillights, but nothing was there or on the road.
Big thanks to that fan that sent this one in! This was the first time I had heard of gargoyle sightings around here. Mountain Lake is about 45 minutes away from me give or take. The same fan sent another gargoyle encounter that I’ll feature later that happened near Bluefield, Virginia. I think that’s about 2.5 or 3 hours away from Mountain Lake.
I did some searching around and found a few gargoyle sightings around the Great Lakes in the early 2000s, but it also gets me thinking of all the winged humanoid type creatures people report seeing around here. Also Mothman! What do you folks think it is? Are they the same creature or creatures?
Remember if you’ve had a paranormal encounter like this and want to send it in, you can send it through our Google form. You can also email us at spookyappalachia@gmail.com
Thank you to our patrons: Adam, Alvin, Brandon, Charles, Chris, Danielle, Donald, Jeff, Jonnie, Jordan, Julia, Linda, Misty, and Taylor.
Special shout out to our content creator patrons: JaredKingTV, Scott and WerewolfRadar.