Continuing our theme for this month on ghost and haunt stories, we have a story that was sent in by a fan who may have had an eerie encounter while working.
Hi, Spooky Appalachia, love the channel and asked Jared to send this. Okay, so back when I was about 25, I worked for a landscaping company in Ringgold, Georgia. There was one very old house that we were always getting called to from the owner. He didn’t live there but wanted the yard kept up extremely nice because he was the landlord. Trees, flowers, hedges, the whole nine yards. Every time we went there it gave us the creeps.
Not to mention there was this extremely hateful old lady there. She never talked to any of us and would stare at us through the windows with a mean look. We asked the owner about her, and he said just leave her alone, that it’s just mother, there’s no harm to her, and she’s just picky. We would often make jokes about how she was probably so cranky from living in such a creepy old house. Sometimes we would even wave, but she’d just stare intently with that crabby look.
One day I was off work due to being sick. When I returned to work, one fella who was a new hire was there in the office talking to the boss and was almost in tears. The boss sent him home for the day. After he left I asked Tony the boss, “What’s the new guys deal?” He answer, “He went out to the Halcom place to hedge trim. The old lady watched him, and he went up to talk to her, and she disappeared in front of his very eyes!”
They called the owner and explained what happened. He replied, “Yes that’s mother. I said to stay away from her… because she’s dead. She died 10 years prior out in the yard planting flowers.” None of us ever went back!
Hope you enjoyed that. It’s the only one I have, but the only one I hope to have. Keep up the amazing work my friend.
What a great story! We’ve had a few lady in the window stories similar to this in the past, but it’s very odd how the owner acted about all of this. Big thanks to the fan that sent this in. I’m glad you enjoy my channel so much. I think it’s doing so well thanks to all of your amazing stories!
Remember if you’ve had a paranormal encounter like this and want to send it in, you can send it through our Google form. You can also email us at spookyappalachia@gmail.com!
Thank you to our patrons: Adam, Alvin, Brandon, Charles, Chris, Danielle, Donald, Jeff, Jonnie, Jordan, Julia, Linda, Misty, Sheryl, and Taylor.
Special shout out to our content creator patrons: JaredKingTV, Scott and WerewolfRadar.