Audio version of this story on our YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYFYrHeXsJE
Me and my cousin Marcos were in the Point Pleasant West Virginia area visiting family. While we were driving down Redmond ridge road at around 9:30ish at night sometime around Christmas, we passed a human-like figure as we slowed down. We looked out our rear view mirror where we saw a large figure, that was 6.5-7ft tall. As me and my cousin rolled down the window to ask if ”everything was alright” all of a sudden our reverse light caught a glimpse of large beaming eyes looking our way. My cousin told me to “floor it”out of there.
We took off down the road and after going down the road a few minutes everything seemed normal. Until a few minutes later when everything had calmed down, My cousin Marcos looked to the right and noticed a large creature flying almost directly over us. We were going about 30 mph and stepped on the gas as we hit speeds of 45-50mph the creature was still following us with ease. With the windy backroads It was pretty hard to go much faster.
After about 2 minutes of trying to outrun the human-like creature we got on county route 17/5. At that point there was no one behind us. I have never known about this creature until I went to visit your community. I’m not sure if I’m crazy and my eyes were seeing things but I would like to know if anyone else had experienced such things. Or if I saw the “moth man” or I was just seeing things.
This was a pretty interesting story, had seen a few things online about people still seeing the creature around Point Pleasant and the TNT area, but this is the first story we’ve received on it. I would love to get more like it!
If you have a story you’d like to send to us use the following form https://forms.gle/WBSBgRkna5RJLXAo6
Thank you to our patrons, Alvin, Charles, Danielle, Donald, Jeff, Jordan, Julia, Linda, Shannon, and Taylor!