Audio version of this story on our YouTube: this can also be found Spotify and most other podcast platforms!
This week’s story was sent in to us by a long time fan and author Allie Rose. In this story, she and I believe she may have had a sighting of the Devil Monkey, a creature we have discussed here before. It took place in Carroll County Maryland back in April of 2023.
I used to drive through backroads in rural Maryland to get to my workplace in Carroll County. One morning, I saw something strange in the rear view mirror out of the corner of my eye. I had been the only car on the road for several minutes, and at first, I thought a car was suddenly tailing me, so I was very confused. However, when I looked fully into the mirror, nothing was there— at least not until I looked into the treeline. What I saw was very strange and I can only describe it as an outline of a transparent humanoid figure swinging through the branches like a monkey would. It was so bizarre. I got this horrible feeling that I was being stalked, and I got the urge to step on the gas and floor it the rest of the way to work, but I remembered hearing that if you see something in Appalachia , you should never acknowledge it. So, I bit my tongue and “calmly” drove the rest of the way to work. Nothing happened on the way home.
Big thanks to Allie for sending this in and always being a big supporter of our channel. It means a lot to us. If you liked this story be sure to check out her boog “Ghost Girl”
Remember if you’ve had a paranormal encounter you’d like to see get featured here you can send it to us using our google form.
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Thank you patreons!
Adam, Alvin, Charles, Danielle, Donald, Jeff, Jordan, Julia, Linda, Shannon, Taylor, and Werewolf Radar