Bladenboro is a small town located in SouthEastern North Carolina. Surrounded by swamps and forests. Looking at it today, most wouldn’t think it was the location for one of the greatest string of monster sightings North Carolina has ever seen! On the night of December 29th, 1953 a woman heard the people next door’s dogs…
Category: Cryptids
Lake Norman Monster
Lake Normon, built in the 1960’s is the largest manmade lake in North Carolina. It spans 4 countries and around 34 miles. Before it became a lake, it was originally home to the indigenous people of the Catawba Tribe. Later settlers built towns there, cemeteries and there was even a battlefield there. Some folks think…
The Slate Belt Owlman
This week I was sent a story a bit out of the norm. The fan who sent this came across this story that was posted on a Facebook group for the Slate Belt area in Pennsylvania. It’s about a creature referred to there as The Slate Belt Owl Man. The sighting took place in March…
The Virginia Devil Monkey
Listen to us tell this story on our YouTube: I first heard of the Virginia Devil Monkey while reading the book “Monsters of Virginia: Mysterious Creatures in The Old Dominion” by L.B. Taylor Jr. It caught my attention because a lot of the incidents occurred very close to where I spent the first few…
Chesapeake Bay Serpent “Chessie”
Listen to us tell this story on our YouTube: It seems like every state with large lakes or bodies of water has a giant water cryptid. This one is kind of shared with Maryland. It’s the Chesapeake Bay Serpent also known as Chessie. It’s said be about 30-35 feet long, and has been sighting…
The White Thang
Audio version of this story on our YouTube: This crpytid seems to be Alabama’s most famous one! If you search around online you’ll find tons and tons of sights going back to the 1930s.The creature is said to look a lot like Bigfoot in appearance. Some even say it’s Bigfoot’s albino cousin. It’s said…
Huggin Molly
Audio version of this story on our YouTube: Huggin Molly is often described as a 7ft tall creature that is as big around as a bale of cotton, and dressed in all black who roams the streets of Abbeville. It’s said that if she sees you out alone at night she will chase you…
Falkville Metal Man
Audio version of this story on our YouTube: On a night in October of 1973, Falkville Alabama’s young chief of police Jeff Greenhaw got a call about a UFO just outside town. From a frantic caller, he thought to himself he was just dealing with an idiot but when he got to the scene things…
The Wolf-Woman of Mobile Alabama
Audio version of this story, as well as some other Alabama cryptid stories on our YouTube: During April, 1971 folks living in Mobile, Alabama and surrounding areas, had sightings of a strange and bizarre cryptic creature. This short lived sighting spurred the legend of the Wolf Woman of Mobile. One of the first sightings…
The Story of The Grafton Monster
Audio version of this story on our YouTube: Hey folks, I’m your host Jimmy and welcome to Spooky Appalachia! For this week I know it’s been a while since I’ve covered a story that I’ve written and researched, I’ve had so many awesome stories sent in by you all that I wanted to get…