Listen to the story here: https://youtu.be/J9dCGVGRBI4
Greetings, I wanted to share this with you and all your listeners about a Mothman encounter my husband and I had back in the late 80s. So there we were, just married, and my husband, Don, was just out of basic training for the military. I had closed down my flower shop temporarily for the wedding and honeymoon. Don and his family, being Point Pleasant, West Virginia natives, invited us to stay the night with them on our way through to North Carolina where we were having our honeymoon. While we were there, it was getting late. His parents went off to bed. Well, to us being young, full of excitement and wonder and things like that, we’re still wide awake at 10 p.m. Not wanting to disturb his parents or anything, we decided to leave and just go out for a drive, to wind down.
He decided to take me by the old TNT bunkers. It’s a really neat place with some cool history but a little creepy at night especially when you’re alone and who goes to the old bunkers and things like that without thinking of the legendary Mothman.
We looked at the old bunkers and heard creepy noises and things like that. I couldn’t help but bring it up. You reckon maybe that’s old Mothman making them noises? Don turned around and looked at me kind of like a look on his face and said, Seriously? He said sure you don’t believe in that old myth? He said Lord, I’m telling you, I’ve lived here all my life. I’ve been in these areas literally more times than I can count. I’ve never seen or heard anything remotely close that I would say was Mothman. Unless you include that time, some buddies and I kind of run across an old rabid possum. You know, you get them from time to time in the hills.
We continued to have our evening of enjoyment and jokes and things. We avoided the main roads and stuff and took back roads, less traffic, because headlights at night hurt my eyes. Well, as you know, as any country person knows, whenever you’re on an old back road and you’ve got a tinkle, what do you do? You pull over and you find a tree and that’s just what Don did. So there we were, on the side of the road. Don puts it in park, leaves the motor running, headlights on, runs across the road to find him a tree.
I was fidgeting with the radio for a couple of minutes, then bam, something passed the car.I let out a scream like they weren’t no tomorrow. Don walks back laughing and says what’s wrong? Mothman got your tongue? So I laughed a little bit, but kind of gave him a look of anger too. So I shook my head, said he started to walk across in front of the car to get back in the driver’s door. About that time. He stops right at the driver’s headlight. Just staring straight up in the air. Right behind the car. Eyes wide open. His chin could reach down there and dust his shoes off. I yelled at the window, oh ha ha ha, very funny, very funny, real cute now, but he never flinched.
I opened the door to tell him to get in the car and that it ain’t funny anymore. Still no response. I scoot over into the driver’s seat,and blew the horn. He jumped, but not because of the horn, but because of a real loud Screech. It sounded like something right out of an old scary movie. Ain’t no way I could sit there and put that into words even if my life depended on it. What that thing sounded like.
His feet finally broke traction and he bolted for the door. Leaped in as I barely had time to return to my seat. He takes off, tires a-spinning, throwing gravel everywhere, almost hits the ditch line four or five times, driving like a maniac till we reached town. So he finally, he pulls into a gas station and looks over at me and there were tears streaming down his face, but he ain’t uttering not a single sound. He wouldn’t speak and would not get out of that car. Looking around like a madman out every window. finally managed to crawl across him and get him over into the passenger seat and drove us both back to his parents’ house.
We stayed outside. underneath the streetlight till the sun come up because again he would not get out of that car even just enough to run to the door. The whole time we sat there he’d go from window to window not saying a word oftentimes staring out in space almost looking like he wasn’t even really there.
It took what seemed like hours to finally get him calmed down enough to explain what happened. He said as he was walking in front of the car, and something got his attention. A big old set of red eyes just staring at him. So at first he thought it might have been lights from hunters or something like that. Until it seemed to draw him in. Kind of like a trance-like thing. He said no matter what he did, he could not look away. And the whole time, feeling like he was doomed. He said he had some of the strangest feelings like he had never experienced before. He didn’t really know how to put it into words. He said it was like his life had just ended right then and there. That’s when I told him what happened from my point of view. He said to him, it was as fast as the blink of an eye.
After that my poor Don began having terrible nightmares and I mean terrible ones oftentimes at night said he’d wake up screaming then hollering and kicking and scare me by half to death. Other times he’d wake up thinking something was right there in the room with us. Bless his heart.
He did have to seek some professional help for months after that. Years later, he’s back to his old self nowadays, but he refuses. to return to that old road and usually tries to get to his parents to come visit us on special occasions and holidays. My Donald is 6’4, 260 pounds, tough as nails, built like a Mack truck. But he don’t even want to discuss Mothman.