Listen to us tell this story on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/7sGIj3E4vbU
Hey Spooky Appalachia, I found your channel last year from the Mothcam and have really been enjoying all the awesome stories since then so I figured I would share with you a story from when my friend and I visited Point Pleasant in 2021.
During 2020 my friend and I started playing Fallout 76, just to have something to do. We really loved seeing all the West Virginia cryptids in the game and learning about all of their lore. We lived sort of nearby in Pittsburg but had never really been.
Fast forward a few months, we decided to go to Point Pleasant on our own. We had wanted to go to The Mothman Festival but it had been canceled that year due to the virus. We decided to go a few weeks later anyway to check out the town and all. We went to the museum, and a bunch of the stores, definitely recommend it.
It starts getting late as we are both trying out a Mothman Pizza, and we get the idea to go out to the TNT area where most of the sightings were supposed to have taken place. BIG mistake. We get out there as the sun is going down. Due to lack of planning we only have our phones for flashlights, but we check things out anyway and even went to some of the bunkers.
Eventually we got to a bunker that was shut, we were dying to see what was inside. So we opened up the metal doors and looked around inside. There wasn’t anything that interesting in it other than some old pipes and tools. As we were looking around, the metal doors slammed shut.
As you can imagine we are freaked out by this, those doors are very big and heavy. I don’t think the wind could close them. Scared and not knowing what to do we eventually decided to go back out and see what happened. After looking around we saw nothing and could only hear frogs chirping. Then we heard a loud SKREETCH sound coming from behind us at the bunker.
We turned around and saw a figure way on top of the bunker. I shined my phone light at it and only saw a dark colored figure for a split second and it was gone. I can’t say for sure sine it all happened so fast but I think it had orange or red eyes reflecting back at me. Now I can’t stop wondering if I saw The Mothman.