Audio version of this story on our YouTube:
This crpytid seems to be Alabama’s most famous one! If you search around online you’ll find tons and tons of sights going back to the 1930s.The creature is said to look a lot like Bigfoot in appearance. Some even say it’s Bigfoot’s albino cousin. It’s said to be 7-9 feet tall, covered in thick white fur, and glowing red eyes. Folks also say that it can walk upright or run on all 4’s.
Another thing most people agree on is that it’s got a strong odor to it. Similar to Bigfoot, but The White Thang smells like old rotting fish. Another thing it has in common with Bigfoot is that folks say it lets out a loud scream, except this scream sounds like a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Folks report hearing the screams near their homes or towns and it is often seen as a bad omen.
We were sent a bunch of Alabama White Thang stories by a new fan of the channel, Dan Barnwell. Great big thanks to him for sending these in.
The earliest known sightings of the White Thang, as far as I know, occurred in the
The wood cutter’s encounter. This was told to me by my pastor who was in his
seventies. He told me the story in 1986, so he was in his late teens or early
twenties when it happened.
“Brother Barnwell, don’t you live on Hurricane Mountain? I had a friend who
would not cross that mountain day or night. He lived in Rabbit Town and one
winter day he hauled a load of firewood to the square in Jacksonville to sell. He
was in his wagon and he sat there until late in the afternoon. Finally, he sold the
wood and delivered it. By then, it was getting dark and since there were both cars
and horses on the road, he didn’t want to go home over White’s Gap to get home.
He was afraid his horse and wagon would be hit by a car or truck. He decided to
take the old Forney Road over Hurricane Mountain. This would take a few
minutes longer, but it was much safer.
My friend said that he started over the mountain where there are no houses at
all. The road winds back and forth, a constant steady climb, but there are very few
steep grades. After a while, he heard something walking in the woods and it
seemed to be following him. He stopped the wagon and listened……… nothing. He
started on his way again. The horse didn’t seem spooked at all. Maybe it was a
lost hound following him. Again, he clearly heard something walking, crunching
the dry leaves. He was definitely being followed. He stopped the wagon again and
again, he heard nothing. The woods were silent, the way they sound when there
is a predator moving around.