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The Ogua is a freshwater cryptid that is said to look like a giant two headed alligator snapping turtle that weighs about 500lbs and is 20 feet long. It roams the West Virginia and Pennsylvania areas mostly dwelling in the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela rivers. Though it is known to be an aquatic cryptid it is also said to come onto land to feed on deer, or unsuspecting humans.
There have been several sightings of the Ogua in Marion County, West Virginia as well as Ohio and Pennsylvania. It’s said that the first sighting of the creature was in 1745 where witnesses reported seeing a giant 2-headed turtle come up out of the Monongahela River, and pull a 12 year old boy who was fishing on the bank into the river where he was never seen again.
In 2003 a fisherman near Pittsburg spotted and snapped a photograph of the creature. Sadly it was blurry and hard to make out anything.
In 2019 a group of friends were doing some nighttime fishing when they spotted a large head pop up out of the water. They shined a spotlight on it and noticed it was a MASSIVE alligator snapping turtle. The story even made the news!
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