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Sparing boring details, I’ve been an active psychic my entire life. I grew up in a haunted house and learned to deal with the paranormal world from a very early age. Not much fazes me these days. So this was in July 2020. When I got to have one of the few experiences I would dub as terrifying for me.
I was in the hospital having outpatient reconstructive surgery.
So, while I was there waiting to begin I noticed some unusual phenomena. Small objects made of light, orbs flying around in a couple of places and moving through the ventilation system, which I thought was very strange. This was in the pre op area and I was not medicated at the time. Some time later, following the surgical procedure, I was in a private recovery room with my spouse, awake, bored, waiting on the Dr to release me and wondering if I could see anything else.
I noticed that if I tried to stare in way that makes spirits stand out, I could actually see what appeared to be a translucent membrane moving as if it was stirred by a breeze. Sometimes moving very close to me, and sometimes far away. I couldn’t figure out what it was. I couldn’t keep it in constant view as it kept moving on this gentle breeze like a sail. I sensed the closeness of the other world and figured it out that this could possibly be the veil that separates our world from the other side. Whatever it was, it had a pattern like elephant hide or a skin like texture. Golden silver highlights with a bluish to grey shadows.
Whenever I could see it, I tried to study it as much as possible. It was fascinating and I was determined to memorize what I was looking at to help me research exactly what it was.
Now by this point in time I was completely cleared of the anesthesia and other medication’s, except for perhaps the painkillers. I was lucid and finally cleared to go home, we were simply waiting on wheelchair transport to take me to the car. The hospital was swamped with all the post lockdown surgeries so everything was taking longer.
Suddenly I got that feeling of immense power in the area. Something I knew ment to be still and passive as something you might not want to be seen by was about.
At the same time I heard a deep in the chest, rumbling, growl, not a snarl.
I was trying to look at this veil material in front of me, so the veil was between me and the open hospital door looking out into the busy corridor where the growl was coming from to the right.
My immediate thought was someone moving heavy equipment like a tool chest down the hall but the sound was organic and yet not right for any animal I knew.
I was still staring at the veil so I instantly switched my focus out to the hall and watched in shock as into view a silhouette of a smoke colored, vaguely wolflike, canine, charged across the doorway. It seemed slightly larger and much thicker than a German Shepard with deep chest, a stocky neck and a shaggy mane of hair around its broad, heavy shoulders.
The body was lean and tucked up to the solid hips. The tail was straight out behind it like a wolf as it ran. The muzzle was too pointed for a wolf, more like a Doberman but with a solid jaw and sloped stop(forehead.) I could make out no features unfortunately. Only the shadow of it, as if it was a cut out in a shadow play. It was gone in an instant but burned in my mind. I could vaguely hear it for a moment more, going down the hall, and then silence. I knew the coldness in my gut, the electricity, I could feel that this was a Hell Hound, and that it was here for someone. I didn’t know anything about what was going on on the ward but a moment later, I heard commotion at the far end of the hallway, a lot of loud talking, mostly female voices, some male, and then within perhaps 30 seconds of my seeing this creature, there was a code blue called to the end of the hallway and more commotion. Then people with the crash cart, going down the hallway and the sounds of things happening and then quiet and a little later the transport came to take me from the ward and I don’t know what happened after that.