This week’s fan-submitted story was actually sent to us by the Mothman Museum! It’s of a sighting someone had in Mattapan Square, Massachusetts, back in May of 2012.
My girlfriend and I witnessed an unexplained object or creature on the roof of a building in Mattapan Square back in May of 2012.
We work for her dad’s security company, and in May we had the night shift at a construction site on Blue Hill Avenue. I had been sitting in her car, and we just got into an argument. I decided to get in my own van to get away from her for a while. As I was surfing the web on my cell phone, I noticed something moving on the roof of the building next to the job site. As I looked up, I saw a fairly large shadowy figure walking or gliding along the rooftop. As I am peering out my window at it, it stops and turns towards our cars.
The best way I can describe it is that it looked almost identical to the sketch the teenagers drew after the first sighting of the Mothman in Point Pleasant. It had what looked to be large feathery wings and two almond golden eyes. I know that it’s not the typical Mothman description, but I don’t know what else it could have been.
After about 3-5 minutes of sitting there, it jumped off the roof, flying in the air towards Quincy and Braintree.
I watched it fly for about five minutes before it was out of sight. The object or creature flew in odd patterns, dipping and flying side to side but not in a straight line.
The only way I saw it was that it was illuminated in a golden bright light. I couldn’t tell if it was the moon’s reflection of it or if it was generating its own light, but I only got a look at it in the dark.
I hear stories of UFO, bigfoot, ghosts, and demons, and ask myself can they all be real or maybe just some. I believe that we have only just scratched the surface of reality, and the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
Big thanks to the Mothman Museum for letting us use this story. It was pretty wild! What did you guys think of it?
Remember if you’ve had a paranormal encounter like this and want to send it in, you can send it through our Google form. You can also email us at spookyappalachia@gmail.com!
Thank you to our patrons: Adam, Alvin, Charles, Chris Danielle, Donald, Jeff, Jordan, Julia, Linda, Shannon, and Taylor.
Special shout out to our content creator patrons: Scott and WerewolfRadar.