If you find yourself in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, be sure to check out this beautiful 5.5 mile scenic route: The Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail, located on the border of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. On this route not only will you get a great view of the river and the falls during the drive, you’ll also find the Noah Ogle self-guiding nature trail, as well as a few other trails and historic buildings. You may also encounter Lucy, a ghost rumored to roam the park.
As the story goes, Lucy was a young woman who died in the area when her family’s cabin burned down. It is said that after her death a man named Foster came across her, barefooted on the side of the road, one cold winter night. He gave her a ride home on his horse that night. After the event he couldn’t stop thinking about her, and stopped by to ask her parents if he could marry her. After hearing the story of how they met, the parents looked pretty surprised. They explained it couldn’t have been their daughter as she had died the year before and pointed in the direction of her headstone.
To this very day travelers of this road have been reporting seeing Lucy on the side of the road on the Roaring Fork Motor Trail. People have reported seeing a young woman standing on the side of the road and offering her a ride, then note that during the ride she vanishes.
Stories of phantom hitchhikers can be found all over the world dating back to before the motor vehicle was even invented. It’s of no surprise that these types of stories exist in Appalachia. Have you ever picked up a phantom hitchhiker? Contact us and let us know about it or any other paranormal stories you have. You can email us at webmaster@spookyappalachia.com.
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