Listen to this and other South Carolina cryptid stories here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDmviPaUAVI
This South Carolina cryptid gets its name from its appearance. It’s described as having the head of a boar with very large sharp tusks, with thick dark brown fur, glowing eyes and being the size of a bear.
In 2013 a hunter claimed to encounter a creature matching this description near the Francis Marion National Forest in South Carolina. He claimed the beast charged at him and his dogs. He decided to fire at it with his rifle at it in an attempt to scare it off. The creature fled but left behind an awful foul outer. The hunter reported this encounter to the South Carolina Department of Natural resources but the report was dismissed as a hoax.
In 2016 a group of campers described seeing the creature near the Sumter National Forest one night. They heard some rustling in some bushes and a huge creature emerged with a pig-like face, long hair and sharp teeth. They also said it had glowing red eyes and let out a piercing scream. Terrified they fled the campsite in terror, but later they returned to find the campsite torn apart and all of their food missing.