I feel like this happened when I was about five at the time, because I was in kindergarten. So it would have been around 1988 we lived near Tennessee Sparta. At this time dad worked at the Saw Mill. The mill owned the houses that we lived in, so it was just like a little platform house, you know, lumber, little slats on it, whatnot. It was on the corner of a T cross. There was a road on the left side. There was a road in the front, and then the right hand side was the yard, and then behind it, I’d say probably 2530 feet on the back of the house was the tree line of the woods. And you go through the woods over to the Saw Mill.
I can’t tell you what time of night it was but at the time I shared with my mom and dad, because the room that I had there, the electricity was messed up, so I had to share, and it was at the front of the house, so middle and I pitch black dark. Got up to use the restroom. You know, I went through the house. I was never afraid of the dark. So I walked through this entire house, to the bathroom that was all the way in the back, and I went in. And as soon as you walk in on the left here is the toilet. On the other side of the toilet is the bathtub. Inside the bathtub area there was one of those rectangular shaped windows, like a big window. And so while I’m taking care of business, I’m sitting there, and I start hearing something besides that window and curious little five year old that I am no fear of what at anything I stand up on the side of the bathtub and clean up and look outside of the window and in that tree line, just right on the line between the grass and the trees. This all thing is standing there, he’s not looking at the house. He’s looking off over towards the road, and so I’m just standing there looking at it. He’s got full body hair, Jet Black, tall ears, an elongated snout, regular hands, but his legs were like the hind legs of the dog. And he was just there, just existing. And, you know, I kind of went and he turned and looked exactly where I was at in the window, looked at me, kind of tilted his head, and then stepped back to the trees and just and now I know a lot of people think, oh, you know, you probably saw a movie. We didn’t have TV. Didn’t have TV. I didn’t watch movies like that, even when I went somewhere that had a TV, because I was not allowed.
I saw him after I saw him. He stepped back. You know, I just oddly enough, stepped down and walked back through the house, walked back into the bedroom, lay down, went back to sleep with me my entire life. I want to say that I have say that I have seen him again because I’ve seen stuff in the woods, you know, because we live way up in the middle of nowhere and like but it was only glimpses of things in the woods. So I can’t be sure that I did see him again, but I want to feel like, I kind of want to feel like he’s just always there, because that would just be awesome! I never thought it was a dogman or anything because people have told me what those look like, and this was different.